Edith Sitwell once said, “My personal habits include reading, listening to music and silence.”

I like to read. For fun, I prefer to read cowboy books. And as some of you know, I like to write. Over the past few months most of my reading has been about Medicare rule changes and Medicare Plan changes. Not exactly highly entertaining, but this is something we must do every year. It is important to be well prepared to best serve our clients. The good news is that reading is done for this year. And, other than a few blogs, there’s been very little writing. I have two books in mind.

Music is an important part of my life. As John Denver said in a song, “This old guitar gave me my lovely lady. It opened up her eyes and ears to me.” Playing my guitar is like a sanctuary for me. My mood and emotions come out in a tune. If you’d like, I’d be glad to play you a tune, (just not during the Annual Enrollment Period).

And Crystal loves music, a lot. She frequently has music playing in her office, quietly in the background. Very comforting. But this is not a time of year when we get to play a lot of music as we are spending time helping the folks in our offices.

Silence, now that sounds delightful. I like to have my silent time with God and in prayer. This is a habit I won’t give up because part of that prayer right now is, “Lord, give me the strength and wisdom to serve others as you would have me to serve”. Plus, silence is helpful when a nap is in order. FYI, this is not the time of year for naps, but if I have a little time to sneak one in, I will.

All of this is to say, during the Annual Enrollment period, we are willing to set aside some of those things we enjoy for the call to a mission. It is a mission both Crystal and I love, and that is to help as many people as possible.

If you have questions or concerns regarding your Medicare plan, I hope you will feel compelled to give us a call. Contact Katie at 317-606-5426 and she will help arrange a time to visit. Come mid-December, we’ll be spending more time with our favorite habits!