With today’s blog I want to give you, the reader, a heads up. I will be departing from my typical Medicare educational content and will address an important topic, valuable for everyone. Here goes.

Ironic moments in our life can be fun. For example, you think to yourself, “Wouldn’t it be fun to go fishing? I haven’t been in years.” Then later that afternoon your son shows up at your door with two fishing poles saying, “Dad, let’s go fishing!” Or maybe a friend you haven’t talked to in ten years is on your mind, and later the same day you get a phone call from that friend. Ironic, right? In a good way.

Unfortunately, not all ironic moments are fun or coincidentally exciting. Sometimes they are frustrating and can make you so angry you see red. And yesterday I had one of those moments.

In this business, every other year we are required to do Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Training. It is training that helps those in any financial business to identify and report when a criminal is using financial means to launder money. For example, a drug dealer might use an annuity to make their gains look legal. Sadly, it happens more than you might think.

This year’s training added a new dimension: The use of the internet in fraudulent ways. Because of the extended length of the training, it took most of my afternoon to complete. It may be quite boring, but it is a good and necessary thing. When five in the afternoon came and I was able to hit the “Complete” button, I was happy to have this task behind me. Through it, I learned the importance of monitoring my social media and my bank account.

IRONICALLY, later I went to pay some bills via online banking and learned that earlier in the day my bank account was hacked and there was a fraudulent charge of $2285. It appears someone was trying to fly to Hong Kong at my expense. UGH! Lesson magnified! Guess it’s time to change the password.

MY POINT HERE IS PROTECT YOURSELF. Keep passwords and personal information secure. Watch what you are putting on social media. Criminals can obtain your personal information or use your picture to create fake IDs. These Frankenstein IDs create a new person out of a mishmash of other people’s data. Watch your bank accounts and change your passwords on a regular basis. (Obviously, I failed at that one.) And particularly when it comes to your health insurance policies, guard that information like an eagle guards her nest.

We are your Medicare specialists. If you need help in this area, contact us. You can reach Katie at 317-606-5426 or katie@robertadamsinsurance.com. We are here to serve you!