Life Insurance
Your greatest asset is NOT your money, It is your health. And we all know that could literally be gone in a heart beat.
Learn the fundamentals of life insurance to help determine what is best for you
Procrastination is very expensive…
The 41 year old male can’t because of a stroke. The 44 year old female can’t because of COPD. The 58 year old whose options are extremely limiting and expensive because of complications from Diabetes.
And 3 times I’ve had people die before I could get back to them.
Getting a Quote:
For quotes of $25,000 or more:
For quotes under $25,000:
5 Life Insurance Myths
I can save money by waiting to purchase my life insurance later.
The older you get, the less benefit you get for your investment. Plus there is a greater chance of being placed in a higher risk bracket.
I don't need life insurance because the government will pay all of my final expenses.
Social Security gives the surviving spouse only $255 for final expenses. You get a little more if you were a veteran. That isn’t nearly enough for final expenses. Plus there is far more reason to have an appropriate amount.
I can't afford it.
It is a matter of your priorities. Doing the responsible thing should be your priority. One lady I worked with would not give up 5 cigarettes a day from her 2 pack a day habit to do the right thing. Be smarter than that.
It is ALWAYS best to buy term life insurance.
For younger folks, term life insurance should be a critical part of their financial planning and is best when used for specific reasons like mortgage protection and income replacement. But, if in your later years your investments didn’t produce that grand nest egg you’d hoped for, you will wish you also had some permanent insurance. You should have coverage for at least final expenses. Check out this blog from
All companies are the same.
I represent dozens of different companies and each and every one of them has a slightly different target audience. Working with an independent agent like myself will connect you with the right company and plan for you.
This life insurance calculator is an unbiased, non-profit company. After determining how much coverage you need, call me and we can determine the best way to get you there.