Long Term Care

“My family will never make me go to a Nursing Home – they’ll take care of me.”

I hear that all the time. I hope you never do have to go to a nursing home. But what if you do? What if you don’t have the option? How would it affect your family?

Check out the statistics

  • 10 million people of all ages are estimated to need long-term care, 40% of which are under the age of 65.
  • 60% of people who reach age 65 will require long-term care at some time in their lives.
  • A couple turning 65 [has] a 75 percent chance that one of them will need long-term care.

The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys compared the risk of needing long-term care with the risk of other financially injurious occurrences, such as an auto accident or a fire in one’s home. Using some basic insurance actuarial numbers comparing various risk, those relative risks look like this: The chances of being in

An Automobile Accident

1 in 240 or 0.4%

A Home Damaged by Fire

1 in 1,200 or 0.08%

A Long Term Care Facility

1 in 2 or 50%

The average monthly cost to be in a Nursing Home is over $6000.

Can you afford this?

Long Term Care plans can help alleviate the pain of that number.

In recent years, the insurance industry has added new ways to protect your family and it may cost you NOTHING should you never need care!